Bobbi Bear, based in Dooneside KZN, are a registered NPO who care for child victims of rape, abuse and violence. Eureka Olivier, a volunteer turned full time, was overwhelmed with the needs of the children in their community. In 2019/2020 alone, they had a 200% increase in cases they tried to take on – a blunt idea of just how many children are subject to violent abuse daily, in that community alone. Eureka writes, ”One child is raped every three minutes in South Africa. This means that about 530 child rapes take place every day.” This is an appalling indictment of our social services and necessitates the need for the sympathetic public to get involved.
When some Sika staff read the heart-rendering media post above, they were galvanised into action. Sika were able to provide some much-needed groceries and toiletries. While every bit helps, there are still so many items that Bobbi Bear desperately need help with, such as; petrol and airtime for the rescue, taking them to hospitals and court cases, running of the home costs, groceries, toiletries, lights, and water, schooling, uniforms, and stationery. They are an exceptionally incredible home where the ladies literally give up their lives to look after these abandoned and abused children. They have fallen on hard times since the outbreak of Covid-19 and have lost many sponsors because of the recent looting spree forcing some of their supporting businesses to close.
Should anyone wish to donate, Bobbi Bear can be reached at:
Phone: 031 9032424
Cell: 072 443 2525
E-mail: [email protected]
Many of our baby steps together, will give a child a life that every one of them deserves.