Those of us who live with and love our pets consider them to be an important part of the family. When choosing the flooring materials we use in our home, therefore, we should give careful thought to how they might affect the comfort of our four-footed companions, and how well they will stand up to claws, muddy paws and the inevitable pet accident. Whether you own a cat or dog (or both), few flooring materials are friendlier to pets and their owners than cement. Here are the reasons why.
Are more resistant to pet stains and odours
When the pores in cement are sealed with a protective film-forming sealer or floor finish, pet urine can’t seep into the floor and leave behind lingering odours and stains.
Are easy to clean
When your pets shed fur or race through your home with rain-soaked or muddy paws, cleaning up after them is no sweat if your floors are cement. Just give the floor a few swipes with a broom and mop with water and CreteCare Mop & Shine, and the mess is history.
Do not trap fleas, mites, and other pet pathogens
In addition to fur, pets shed animal dander (flakes of skin) that can aggravate allergies in people who are sensitive. Smooth floor surfaces like cement won’t trap this dander the way carpets will, making the dander easy to remove during routine cleaning. Cement floors also won’t harbour fleas or mites that your pet may carry into the home.
Do not emit VOCs which can be harmful to yourself and your pets
Synthetic carpets can emit volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, as can some of the products that accompany carpet installation such as adhesives & padding. Some of the adhesives used under vinyl sheet goods and linoleum can also emit VOCs. Concrete floors, stained with nontoxic pigments, do not release VOCs that can be harmful to you as well as your pets.
Playful, rambunctious pets and their claws can scratch floor surfaces, but once sealed your cement floors are more resistant to scratching. Furthermore using CreteCare Polish will increase the resistance even more.
Will you be investing in a timeless cement floor finish that will have you and your four-legged friends living in a clean and peaceful home?
For more information on caring for your Cemcrete floor finish, click here