SAWPA is a non-profit association primarily to promote timber treatment and preservative treated timber products. Our objectives are the promotion of the preservative treatment of timber and the use of preservative treated timber products; the establishment of SAWPA as a centre for consumer information and technical enquiries; and a mouthpiece for its members on all issues that impact the industry e.g. standards and regulations etc. The members of SAWPA are primarily preservative treatment plants, wood preservative chemical,manufacturers, distributors and merchants of preservative treated timber, and other related stakeholders.
SAWPA welcomes all users of treated timber to contact us if you require more information.
Explanatory Notes on Specifications used in the timber treatment industry:
For poles and roundwood products:
SANS 457-2: Pine poles and guardrail posts: Building, construction, agricultural and fencing purposes.
SANS 457-3: Eucalyptus (gum) poles and guardrail posts: For building, construction, agricultural and fencing purposes.
SANS 753: Pine poles, cross-arms for power distribution, communication systems and street lighting.
SANS 754: Eucalyptus (gum) poles, cross-arms for power distribution and communication systems.
For sawn timber:
SANS 1288: Preservative treated timber: All products that fall outside the scope of the above standards.
(e.g. sawn and profiled timber)
Types of preservatives:
CCA: Mixtures of copper-chromium-arsenic compounds for timber preservation
Borate: Boron based timber preservatives
Creosote: Wood-preserving creosote mixtures and coal-tar mixtures
CuAz: Mixtures of copper azole compounds for timber preservation
LOSP: Light organic solvent preservatives (TBTN-P: Tributyltin Naphthenate & Permethrin or ZP: Azole & Permethrin)