Strip Curtains
The economical solution for enclosing all internal and external apertures. Transparent strips formulated from a PVC compound, designed to combine high clarity with mechanical strength due to an outstanding degree of flexibility. The clear strips will not interfere with natural light and will allow unlimited access to vehicles and pedestrians under conditions from +60° to -45°.
Available in various widths and thicknesses (200 x 2mm, 300 x 3mm and 400 x4mm). The strips are mounted to specially designed mounting brackets.
PVC Sheeting
PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) is one of the oldest and most commonly used plastics, No other plastic offers so many different qualities and possibilities, it is very economical and can be recycled many times over. No other plastic has been studied so intensively to guarantee its safety.
Granulates of PVC compound are obtained by blending PVC resin, plasticizers and specific additives to combine flexibility, stability and other required qualities. Granules are extruded and formed into strips and sheets.