June is environment month, a chance to reflect and audit the impact of building and construction materials on the environment.

Areas of heat loss in the home
Environmentally Friendly Building Products
Keep interiors warm in winter by insulating the ceiling. Considering that between 40% and 51% of heat is lost through the roof (according to Eskom) insulating the roof is the first step to retaining a cosy warmth in winter. Upgrade roof insulation to ECO-INSULATION.
ECO-INSULATION is 100% environmentally friendly and biodegradable, made locally from recycled newsprint- no glass, plastic or other harmful synthetic products. Made from recycled newsprint and impregnated with internationally used environmentally-friendly fire retardant additives. Suitable for installation in almost all ceilings, irrespective of space and structure, ECO-INSULATION offers exceptional thermal and sound insulation.

Blow-in cellulose installation
The National Building Regulation’s SANS 10400-XA stipulates insulation specifications according to climate zone and it’s R-Value. The R-Value of an insulation product is its ability to restrict heat flow or Thermal Resistance Value (TRV). The greater the R-Value, the greater the insulating effectiveness of the product. ECO-INSULATION has a design specification for each climatic zone. ECO-INSULATION’s combination of exceptional thermal R-Values, sound insulation and its ability to cover 100% of the area being treated, ensure that indoor temperature is ideally regulated, keeping interiors warm in winter and cool in summer; reducing heating and cooling costs.
Being more energy efficient by installing eco-friendly, fire-safe and non-toxic, energy efficient cellulose-fibre thermal ceiling insulation for residential, commercial and industrial buildings aids in reducing the energy required for heating and cooling. ECO-INSULATION adds that in addition to insulation other tips to reduce the environmental footprint and save energy:
- Keeping doors closed in winter ensures only smaller areas are heated more effectively.
- Seal the gaps around windows and doors to retain heat.
- Switch to LEDs – LED light bulbs use 90% less energy than the incandescent bulbs.
- Install dimmer switches
Eco-Insulation is made from a natural product, cellulose emulating a forest canopy. Eco-Insulation has the lowest environmental footprint around.