Monitor Distributors / Hawk Pumps Celebrates 55 Years of Success
Hawk Pumps, a renowned manufacturer and distributor of high-pressure pumping equipment, celebrates 55 years of excellence. Originally founded as Monitor Engineering Company (Natal) Pty Ltd in 1966, the company underwent transformation under Gavin Pote’s leadership from 1982, culminating in its rebranding to Monitor Distributors CC.
Range of drain, sewer and drain cleaning equipment
Hawk Pumps range of drain, sewer and drain cleaning equipment in mobile units or trailers. A guide to pipe cleaning equipment and tube, drain and sewer cleaning nozzles – what you need to know.
Mild steel cabinet for high pressure cleaners
Mild Steel Cabinet mounted high pressure washer is ideal for static cleaning stations such as car washes, truck washes, abbatoirs and more.
High pressure cleaners for industrial applications
Hawk Pumps high pressure cleaners for industrial applications for electric, petrol and diesel cleaners.
The Hawk Drain Mini-Jet for drain cleaning. The pressure of the pump is 120bar to 200bar. This 230V drain cleaning unit is designed for small domestic drains.
Emergency safety showers and eye washes
Safety showers are used to drench a person who has come into contact with a chemical or substance that requires quick removal.