Building Product Brochures & Datasheets

Drainage Channels


Geberit’s product portfolio not only encompasses a comprehensive range of plumbing solutions but also a commitment to knowledge sharing and collaboration. With 25 education centers globally, Geberit annually trains approximately 30,000 professionals, including plumbers, architects, and planners, in the intricacies of Geberit systems and software. Geberit’s dedication to education and the exchange of experience reflects its belief in the power of dialogue for international success. Moreover, Geberit emphasizes the importance of partnership in business relationships and upholds a culture of fairness when interacting with competitors and industry associations. This commitment to learning, dialogue, and ethical engagement sets Geberit apart in the plumbing industry.

Megaflo Geocomposite Panel Drain System

Megaflo has a formed invert at the bottom of the panel preventing loss of water into the base soils. It has an open waterway with little restriction from support legs for high flow rates. Megaflo has a high vertical crush strength allowing reduced cover depths even under highway applications.

Seaqual Product Catalogue

Seaqual product catalogue: A guide to selecting and specifying Seaqual Products. Seaqual Products can be divided into 4 categories: Floor Drains; Long-term Cost-saving Products; Pipe Anchors and Channel Drainage systems.

Bathroom Drains and Shower Channels | Eurodrain / KESSEL

Bathroom drains, wall drains and shower channels for wastewater drainage with different design covers made of stainless steel

QualiDrain | Seaqual Technical Datasheet

QualiDrain is easy to assemble & install all in one linear channel drainage and catchpit system for the collection & harvesting of rainwater & stormwater.

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