Building Product Brochures & Datasheets

Sewage Works

Resistant pump versions

Resistant pump versions that are resistant against aggressive wastewater containing salts & condensates and effluent from water softening systems and heating systems.

Non electric small sewage treatment plant

The ClearFox nature is a biofilm system with filtration effect and works as follows: After the solids have been removed from the raw sewage in the primary buffer tank, it flows into the bioreactor. In the bioreactor, the wastewater is evenly distributed by unique water distribution system.

Waste Water Treatment Solutions

Customised, cost effective and environmentally friendly sewage treatment plants with rotating biological contractors (RBC). System S&P – Compact Sewage Plants complete water treatment systems meet the highest requirements of wastewater treatment. Plants ranging between 50-5000 population equivalents (5-5000m3) and more can be constructed cost-effectively using S&P’s modular system.

Lifting stations

Eurodrain Technology is a reputable supplier of KESSEL products, offering advanced solutions for free-standing installation. Their latest offerings include the innovative Aqualift S 100 and S 200 lifting stations designed for the efficient management of wastewater without sewage. These new products are at the forefront of the industry, demonstrating Eurodrain Technology’s commitment to leading in drainage solutions.

EDT Reccontec Waste to Energy | MYT® - Maximum Yield Technology

EDT Reccontec Waste to Energy Maximum Yield Technology is a new, innovative process for the treatment and utilisation of residual household waste. MYT® aims to extract the complete raw material and energy content of waste and to use the energy potential as recyclable sources of energy. Instead of landfill or incineration solutions, there is now the option of optimum economic exploitation of waste in the form of raw materials, quality-assured fuels and energy-rich biogas.

TenCate Geotube | Dewatering Systems

Geotube dewatering technology has become the method of choice for organisations around the world. Use at the water and wastewater treatment, mining and mineral processing, pulp and paper mills, power generation and environmental remediation.

Wastewater Treatment

The wastewater treatment is performed in three subsequent treatment stages. The effluent from domestic, agricultural or industrial sources passes a preliminary treatment step where solids are separated out and chemical treatment is applied where necessary. The secondary treatment consists of Biological Disks and Lamella Separators that are used for the final clarification step. Optional advanced treatment can then be applied thereafter.

Pumping station Aqualift F Basic for wastewater with or without sewage

Pumping station Aqualift F Basic for wastewater with or without sewage. 100% waterproof& odour-tight, Variable upper section for stepless adaption

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