Building Product Brochures & Datasheets

Bricks and Blocks

Terraforce Book of Ideas

The book includes detailed chapters on patterns, plantability, features, inclinations, corners, steps, and stairs, showcasing various design examples and practical applications.

Sponge city concept

Terracrete™ permeable hard lawn pavers, which are integral to the sponge city concept. This urban planning model utilises nature-based solutions to manage stormwater, reduce urban development impacts, and enhance urban liveability by mimicking natural water cycles.

V10 Rockface block

V10 block (standard or rock face): ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE EASTERN CAPE

Maintaing your Terraforce wall

Maintaining such a structure requires regular attention to ensure its integrity and appearance. Key maintenance practices include monitoring and replacing cracked blocks if the crack width exceeds 0.5mm, keeping plantable spaces free of weeds and inappropriate vegetation, refilling any voids caused by wind or water with coarse sand or gravel, and regularly inspecting grouted interfaces.

Advantages of Terraforce

Terraforce® is a pioneering retaining wall system featuring reversible, hollow core blocks that offer significant environmental advantages. These vegetated concrete blocks support root reinforcement, enhancing soil stability and reducing erosion risks. The system employs soil bioengineering techniques to select and plant vegetation that bolsters soil integrity and erosion resistance.

What is Terraforce?

TERRAFORCE® is a versatile and innovative retaining wall system, recognized for its unique “one block does it all” design. These interlocking concrete blocks are engineered for constructing environmentally friendly retaining walls that enhance soil stabilization for both residential and industrial applications.

Interlocking connectivity and friction in Terraforce walls

Terraforce segmental block walls offer a versatile and cost-effective alternative to traditional reinforced concrete retaining walls. These innovative systems are designed for easy installation and adaptability, featuring options such as open-face, interlinked systems that provide frictional resistance, and closed vertical face appearances with interlocking capabilities on both horizontal and vertical planes.

Terraforce Retaining Wall Blocks

TERRAFORCE offers a versatile and award-winning retaining wall system that is lightweight for easy transport and features interlocking blocks that can be reversed to display various faces. These blocks support plant growth and prevent erosion, making them ideal for creating eco-friendly structures in both domestic and industrial settings.

Terrafix erosion control block

Terrafix erosion control block is an interlocking environmentally acceptable element, made of high strength concrete. It was specifically designed to provide a flexible lining where protection against wind and water erosion is required. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

Terracrete Product Specification

Terracrete permeable concrete block pavers PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY are versatile units used in a wide range of applications, ranging from light erosion control on exposed earth slopes, for reinforced, grassed waterways, or for installing permeable, paved road/parking surfaces (to differing levels of sophistication)…

Terraflora Waterwise Greening

Terraflora Waterwise Greening Design your ultimate garden using this collection of South Africa’s indigenous plants.

Dry Cast Specification Guideline | Terracrete

Terracrete permeable concrete block pavers PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY are versatile units used in a wide range of applications, ranging from light erosion control on exposed earth slopes, for reinforced, grassed waterways, or for installing permeable, paved road/parking surfaces (to differing levels of sophistication).

Decorwall Retaining Block | Terraforce Hollow Core Retaining Block

Terraforce Decorwall Block PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY with mechanical vertical interlock for economical retaining solutions. Used in the following applications: meandering terraces, composite walls, steps, tilted foundation for extra stability, storm water management…

L18 Retaining Block

The L18 hollow core retaining block: L18 standard and rock face. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

L22 Retaining Block

The L22 hollow core retaining block: L22 standard and L22 rockface. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY


Terralite hollow core retaining blocks: Terralite standard (CT) and Terralite rockface (CT). PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

L11 Retaining Block

The L11 hollow core retaining block: L11 Standard and L11 Rockface. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

L12 Retaining Block

L12 Hollow core retaining block: L12 standard and L12 rockface. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

S10 Retaining Block

S10 Retaining Block – PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY The S10 hollow core retaining block: S10 Standard.

L16 Retaining Block

L16 Retaining Block – PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY Rockface earth reinforcement retaining wall blocks with Geogrid or mass gravity system or as a fascia.

L15 Retaining Block

The L15 retaining block: L15 standard and L15 rockface.PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

4x4 Multi Stepblock

The 4×4 Multi Stepblock PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY aimed at providing efficient and economical steps in conjunction with the original retaining blocks by Terraforce. They soon became very popular not only for stairway access but to provide comfortable, practical seating arrangements at leisure amenities & school sport facilities.

Wet Cast Terracrete Specification Guideline

Terracrete permeable concrete block pavers are versatile units PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY used in a wide range of applications, ranging from light erosion control on exposed earth slopes, for reinforced, grassed waterways, or for installing permeable, paved road/parking surfaces (to differing levels of sophistication)

V8 TFSD block

V8 block (standard and rock face): ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE EASTERN CAPE

L13 hollow core standard and rock face retaining block

L13 hollow core standard and rock face retaining block PLEASE CHECK LOCAL SUPPLIER FOR AVAILABILITY

PlasterCote | Cemcrete | Thin, leveling plaster for walls

PlasterCote – thin, leveling plaster for walls. A specially designed cement-based plaster mixture for rapid thin application to brickwork and blockwork to fill the joints and other imperfections economically. To provide a level base for the application of Cemcrete’s SatinCrete, CemCote, CemWash, Thermoplastic Coating, StippleCrete and Texturite Roughcast to walls constructed with bricks or blocks0860

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