Building Product Brochures & Datasheets

Liquid Plastic Waterproofing

super laycryl

Super Laycryl® is a highly flexible liquid-applied emulsion reinforced with abe® membrane, delivering a seamless professional waterproofing system suitable for various applications, including flashings, roof waterproofing, re-waterproofing over existing systems, sealing joints and laps on corrugated roofs, with emphasis on non-trafficable roofs.

abeproof liquid membrane

abeproof liquid membrane is a single pack, solvent borne, rubberised, liquid applied waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic and durable, requiring low maintenance.

Flexbond | Cemcrete | Latex-based liquid admixture

FlexBond replaces some or all of the water in cement mixes to improve bond, waterproofing, flexural, tensile and abrasive strengths, adhesion, thin-film hardness, weak acid resistance, adhesion to asphalt and reduces drying shrinkage. Can also be used to waterproof water-containing structures. Used in conjunction with textiles & membranes for cracks and joints in structures. Improves the adhesion of slush-coats for re-plastering pools, patching, repairing or application of screeds. Improves adhesion and waterproofing qualities of tile adhesive, tile grout and self-levelling floor screed. Used as an additive to PoolCrete to promote the colour enhancement and resistance to pool chemicals.

SikaRoof® MTC System - Contractor Application Guide

Roofing solutions with Sikalastic® liquid membranes. SikaRoof® MTC (moisture triggered chemistry) systems incorporate a unique technology that allows the material to use atmospheric moisture to trigger the curing process. This means the waterproof membranes are capable of curing in a wide range of conditions…

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