Cellulose Fibre Ceiling Insulation
Eco-Insulation’s combination of exceptional thermal R-Values, sound insulation, and its ability to cover 100% of the treated area ensure that indoor temperatures are ideally regulated. It keeps interiors warm in winter and cool in summer, reducing heating and cooling costs.
TiPSASA Certificate of Compliance SANS 428
TiPSASA Certificate of Compliance SANS 428 The Thermal Insulation Products & Systems Association certifies that Eco Insu Business Manufacturer obtained the following classification
Eco-Insulation Product Specification Sheet
Eco-Insulation Product Specification Sheet
Fire Propagation Properties of Eco-Insulation Material Report
Report on the fire propagation properties of the Eco-Insulation material when tested in accordance with SANS 428 using the SANS 10177 – Part 5 and 10 as well as BS 5803 – Part 4, Section 3 test protocols
SABS approved | Eco Insulation certification
Eco Insulation SABS Approved Certification