Attack-proof access cubicle protects bank

Boomgate Systems attack-proof access cubicle for bank

This one of a kind Cylindrical Access Cubicle was designed, engineered and installed by Boomgate Systems. Installed in a bank to an “Attack Proof” rating of ARL-1, it is the first and only installation of this type. Based on the humidity and the proximity to the ocean the entire cubicle was constructed using 316-grade stainless steel.

Key features of this unique access control cubicle:

  • Two 220v AC torque motors are used for sliding the ARL1 curved doors, these motors will push the door open and closed;
  • A mechanical damper will slow the door down just before it reaches its fully open and fully closed position. This is to slow the door down;
  • Once the door is closed, it will be locked with a 500kg magnetic lock;
  • The door will have a safety strip on the leading edge of the door. If the door hits an obstacle while it is closing, the safety sensor will trigger the control logic to re-open the door again;
  • The control logic is a PLC type controller combined with a booth controller to interlock the two doors;
  • The doors will be triggered to open with infrared sensors mounted on the outside of the door;
  • The door will be able to open and close from a secondary control panel.

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